Among other things, our office specializes in consulting in the field of public law, especially administrative law. This is a very large area of law with which we all come into contact with almost daily. It mainly includes our negotiations with state administration and self-government bodies, i.e with various authorities performing activities in the field of public administration.
We have extensive experience in advising on matters relating to administrative proceedings, whether procedural or substantive. Our experts are able to help with this issue, both individual participants in the proceedings, whose rights and obligations are decided, and the administrative authorities themselves, to which we are able to provide comprehensive advice in conducting administrative proceedings in any sector (i.e. construction law, tax proceedings, misdemeanours). etc.).
We are able to provide participants in administrative proceedings with consultations on the procedural part before submitting a proposal to initiate administrative proceedings and subsequently, after its initiation, to represent participants in all phases of administrative proceedings only after obtaining a final decision in the matter. For clients from the ranks of administrative bodies, we also help primarily with the management of the administrative proceedings themselves, with the preparation of the necessary documents, including the preparation of the text of administrative decisions. We also provide clients with general advice and consultations on individual issues and we process professional legal opinions for clients.
Proceedings before administrative courts have their own specific rules and, due to their complexity, it is therefore definitely appropriate to have legal representation. We provide our clients with comprehensive services in this area. We draft administrative lawsuits, cassation complaints, and therefore represent clients as defendant parties. We have valuable experience with proceedings before the Supreme Administrative Court, and we are perfectly acquainted with its decision-making practice. In regard to a person suffering damage by the state. We provide additional services in the matters of damage compensation from the Czech Republic. This comes into play, only in instances with successful negotiations with the ministries regarding such a damage indemnification for our client. If negotiations are not helpful, we are equipped to proceed with court litigation without undue delay.
However, it is not always necessary to let things happen before the administrative courts. For the clients in our hands, we strive to ensure that their rights are already recognized at the level of the proceedings before the office concerned itself. Whether it is a construction proceeding, proceedings before the Office for the Protection of Competition, municipal authorities in misdemeanour proceedings and much more, our experts are the best advisers for you.
We also have extensive experience in the field of administrative punishment, which represents a relatively specific area of administrative law intertwining with, among other things, criminal law. The practice of some authorities in administrative punishment can sometimes be somewhat aggressive and fines extending to the amount of liquidation. However, our experts will provide you with representation and ensure that your legal defence is aimed at impunity or minimizing any sanctions. We usually deal with offenses in the field of energy and offenses in the field of construction law, traffic offenses, offenses related to business activities, etc.
We provide private individuals with comprehensive representation in misdemeanour proceedings, including consultations before the commencement of administrative proceedings, when it is always necessary to choose the appropriate defence strategy in the first place. It is often even advantageous for the client to be represented at the stage when the administrative body carries out the on-site inspection activity before the audit finding itself is formulated. After the commencement of the misdemeanour proceedings with the client, we then go through all its individual phases until the moment of a final decision in the matter.
For clients from administrative bodies, we are also able to provide assistance in misdemeanour proceedings with the conduct of administrative proceedings, with the preparation of the necessary documents, including the preparation of the text of administrative decisions, or to prepare expert legal opinions on individual issues.
We have great experience in the area of public service agreements. Negotiating and drafting a public service agreement is quite different from standard private agreements. There is a large number of restrictive regulations that must be considered, and other additional conditions which must be met. We will be happy to advise you in this area. We also handle disputes from public service agreements. If there is a dispute during a realization of the public service, it is decided unilaterally by the public authority in a way acknowledging a right or imposing a duty, respectively acknowledging certain status. There is no appeal procedure against such decision, not even an extraordinary appeal. However, It is optional to arrange for amicable settlements.
We provide assistance also in the matters of misdemeanour or other administrative delicts. In some cases, the practice of authorities may be rather aggressive and in some instances may face with high penalties. Therefore do not hesitate to address us for help. We will provide you with legal representation and we will make sure that you have a solid defence and that all your rights are protected.